Employee health and safety can be impacted by a range of potential workplace stress factors, such as high workload, poor environmental conditions, poor workplace relationships or exposure to violence, bullying or harassment, to name just a few.
In addition to implementing control measures such as workplace policies, risk assessments and training, it is best practice for employers to offer their staff a variety of support resources, such as an employee assistance program (EAP) and a peer support worker or contact officer.
Contact officers are people within a workplace who, in addition to their normal job, provide employees with confidential information, options and resources in relation to a workplace issue.
Contact officers are a useful resource as they provide employees with immediate access to a confidential, in-house source of information and support. For some employees, it is important to have someone neutral at work to confide in.
Did you know?...
➤ FDV experts reported an escalation of domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic.
➤ The Fair Work Act provides minimum legal entitlements for employees experiencing FDV.
Contact officers are often the first port of call for staff experiencing bullying, harassment, discrimination or family and domestic violence (FDV). The contact officer’s role is NOT to give advice but rather to listen, know the relevant workplace policies and legislation, help the employee understand their options, and know when to escalate an issue to a senior manager or external service.
It is not only important that contact officers feel confident in how to safety and confidentially support their peers, but also that they stay current with employment-based legislation and organisational policies that affect the scope and parameters of their role.
WorkPlacePLUS provides a number of professional development programs to ensure that contact officers or staff acting in peer support positions have the required skills, knowledge and confidence to fulfil the function of their roles.
FDV CONTACT OFFICER TRAINING equips your contact officers with an understanding of how to identify and respond to signs of FDV in the workplace, and how to establish appropriate support. Included in this training program is a review of the relevant legal considerations and workplace protocols, and research-based guidance and strategies from the Victorian Government’s MARAM Framework.
CONTACT OFFICER REFRESHER TRAINING provides participants with a current overview of the issues of bullying, harassment, discrimination and family and domestic violence (FDV) in the workplace. Included in this training program is a review of the relevant legal considerations and workplace protocols, and a range of research-based guidance and strategies.
As a foundation for new peer support workers and suitable for all staff, RESPECT & RESPONSIBILITY IN THE WORKPLACE is tailored to go beyond the usual bullying, harassment and discrimination session by promoting your organisational values, effective communication and a positive workplace culture, while providing an understanding of relevant legislation and organisational policies.
For more information, please contact us today.