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Fostering a mentally healthy workplace with EAP

WorkPlacePLUS provides a number of programs designed to positively impact on employee behaviours and build a more resilient workforce. For more information, please contact Anna Pannuzzo on 0419 533 434 or visit

Employees can sometimes struggle to cope with work-related stressors and/or personal concerns. Mental health issues in the workplace are also becoming increasingly complex, with managers and teams continuing to face post-covid change and uncertainly.

Providing emotional and psychological support to employees during times of stress or crisis is critical for individual employees’ wellbeing and ensuring the managing of a business-as-usual approach.

Employers also have a legal duty to ensure that the working environment does not harm employee mental health or worsen an existing condition. If an employee shows signs of stress or not coping, it's important to intervene early and remind them about the available support resources, such as an employee assistance program.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Regardless of whether mental stress is related to work or personal issues, an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can provide the critical support that employees may need to proactively address their mental stress before it escalates. An EAP can also support senior managers and business owners, who are under immense strain.

An EAP may be a component of your workplace wellness program. It is a counseling and education service offered by the employer but facilitated by an independent provider.

WorkPlacePLUS offers a holistic, fully integrated EAP designed to confidentially assist your employees with a range of issues in a variety of ways, incorporating mental, emotional and physical health education. Our EAP’s are positioned to deliver innovative, best practice and proactive solutions. Our service delivery model takes into account the four areas of wellness:

  • Psychological Health

  • Physical Health

  • Lifestyle

  • Working Environment

WorkPlacePLUS can support and partner with you to foster a mentally healthy workplace. Read about our range of tools for workplace wellness >

To discuss the specific needs of your organisation, please contact us today.

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