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Read this before you employ new staff

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Expanding your team can be an exciting time for your company or organisation, signifying growth and momentum within the workplace. However, before you dive into employing a new staff member, it is important to strategically map out your organisational structure and the roles and responsibilities of the new position.

The circumstances by which you take on a new employee will have a financial impact on your business, particularly if issues arise or things don’t work out. The best way to mitigate the risk of costly disputes is to clarify your employment obligations ahead of time, including details related to the job description, employment contracts, policies, procedures and job training.

Key considerations before taking on a new employee:

Position Description, Advertising and Recruiting

Be very clear on the details of the job being filled. Take the time to develop a Position Description which includes the functions and responsibilities you are requiring from this position.

In developing your advertisement, you may wish to utilise the Key Selection Criteria, qualifications, skills and attributes that have been set out in the position description. Also, outline the terms of the job (e.g. full time, part time, casual, fixed term, seasonal, etc.) and specify the working days, hours and any special requirements such as Police Check, Working with Children Check, specialised certifications or physical requirements.

Minimum Wages and Employment Contracts

Employers are responsible for ensuring that they meet the minimum wage and employment conditions under various employment laws, awards, enterprise agreements and taxation laws. Failure to comply with all of the requirements may result in fines, penalties, legal costs, negative publicity and possible brand damage.

Does your current employment contract comply with the various legislative requirements? Do they include confidentiality and non competition clauses?

Process, Documentation and Induction

Before your new employee commences work, you should have their signed employment contract, signed Tax File Number Declaration and their Superannuation Nomination form. You may also supply them with a Fair Work Information Statement.

Best practices for new employees is to induct them into your organisation, which can mean providing them with a copy of your workplace policies.

Managing Performance

Employers and supervisors should meet with the employee and develop the key performance indicators by which their performance will be measured. This should be a constructive process which commences at the employee’s probationary period and provides an opportunity for regular communication. Keeping written records of any issues, incidents, milestones, achievements and discussions will support you in the case of a dispute or investigation.

Would you like some support in reviewing your employment obligations before you hire a new staff member?

At WorkPlacePLUS, we offer support with onboarding, documentation and employment agreements, full HR reviews of your policies and procedures, performance management and a range of other integrated HR services.

For more information, please contact us today.

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