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Compliance Alert: New Aged Care Quality Standards

WorkPlacePLUS can help you ensure that you are complying with the new Aged Care Quality Standards. For more information, please call Anna on 0419 533 434 or visit

From 1st July 2019, all Australian aged care service providers will need to comply with the new Aged Care Quality Standards. These new standards cover eight areas:

  1. Consumer dignity and choice

  2. Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers

  3. Personal care and clinical care

  4. Services and supports for daily living

  5. Organisation’s service environment

  6. Feedback and complaints

  7. Human resources

  8. Organisational governance

Open disclosure

Under Standard 6, advanced communication strategies may be in order. The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission expects aged care organisations to regularly seek feedback and complaints from consumers, carers and the workforce. Organisations will need to be able to demonstrate that improvements are being made based on the feedback.

Raising workforce standards

Under Standard 7, HR practices will be scrutinized. The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission expects aged care organisations to have a skilled and qualified workforce, sufficient to deliver and manage safe, respectful, and quality care and services. Organisations will need to meet the five key workforce requirements, pertaining to the following:

  • Workforce planning

  • Workforce interactions with consumers

  • Qualifications and competencies

  • Recruitment and training

  • Performance management

Governing the workplace culture

Under Standard 8, leadership is accountable for the delivery of safe and quality care and services. The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission expects the organisation’s governing body to be accountable for promoting a safe, inclusive workplace culture and delivering quality care and services. Some of the key governance requirements include:

  • Effective risk management systems and practices

  • Effective organisation-wide governance systems, and

  • A clinical governance framework (where applicable).

Getting help

Organisations will need to be able to demonstrate that they meet every requirement of the new Aged Care Quality Standards. This includes monitoring all practices and processes, keeping accurate records, reviewing outcomes on a regular basis, and making adjustments for continuous improvement.

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission has released a 30-minute educational video to help service providers prepare for the new Standards that come into effect on and from 1st July 2019. The Commission is also offering half-day preparation workshops Australia-wide, but these are SOLD OUT.

WorkPlacePLUS can help you ensure that you are complying with the new Aged Care Quality Standards. For more information and support, please contact us today.

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